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Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees Leadership 
Chair: Alex Baldwin, P ’18 
Vice Chair: Olivier Kamanda ’99 
President: Jim Neill, P ’24 
Treasurer: Jeff Freed, P ’11 ’13 ’18 
Secretary: Bill Magruder ’92 

Board of Trustees 2020-21 
Dwaine Alleyne ’00 
Jeff Ansary ’92, P ’28 
Kristen Best, P ’23 ’25 
John Botti 
Donald Dell ’56 
Jean-Marie Fernandez, P ’24 
Nick Freeman ’09 
Debra Graham, P ’18 ’20 
Laura Hoffman, P ’17 ’21 ’24  
Burnell Holland III ’01 
Matt Holleran ’85 
Beverly Hudnut, P ’11 
Ted Lamade ’00
Ted Prince ’84 
Inger Rosner, P ’20 ’23 ’27  
Tom Scott ’85 
Brooke Seawell ’65 
Harmar Thompson ’90 
Michael Voris ’95
Lisa Ellis Williams, P ’24

Trustees Emeriti 

*Peter FitzGerald Sr. ’50, P ’83 ’86, GP ’13 ’18 ’21 
Knight Kiplinger ’65, P ’99 
Larry Lamade ’65, P ’00 ’03 
Sam Lehrman, H ’09, P ’11 
Rusty Lindner ’72, P ’15  

"H" denotes Honorary. "P" denotes Parent. "GP" denotes Grandparent. * denotes Deceased.

Development Committee
Nick Freeman '09, Chair
Alex Baldwin, P'18
Kristen Best, P'23 '25
Debra Graham, P'18 '20
Laura Hoffman, P'17 '21 '24
Jack Leachman '69, P'94 '95
Michael Voris '95
Peter Gallo, Director of Development
Loretta Menzen, Executive Assistant to the Director of        Development
Lucas Metropulos, Leadership Gifts Officer
Jim Neill, P'24, Head of School

Endowment Committee
Matt Holleran ’85, Chair
Jeff Ansary ’92, P ’28
Alex Baldwin, P ’18
Donald Dell ’56 
Brooke Seawell ’65 
Bryn White, P'26
Laura Hoffman, P ’17 ’21 ’24
Ted Lamade ’00
Richard Leggett, P'23 '26
Peter Gallo, Director of Development
Chris Harper, CFO/COO
Robert McQuitty, Controller
Jim Neill, P ’24. Head of School

Buildings and Grounds Committee
Harmar Thompson '90, Chair
Alex Baldwin, P ’18
Thomas Castiello '90
Jean-Marie Fernandez, P ’24
Nick Freeman ’09 
Bill Magruder '92
Bill Brady, P'23, Athletics Director
Peter Gallo, Director of Development
Chris Harper, CFO/COO
Jim Neill, P'24, Head of School
Michael Sopher, Director of Buildings and Grounds
Robert Waechter, Project Manager

Finance Committee
Jeffrey Freed, P'11 '13 '18, Chair
Dwaine Alleyne '00
Jeff Ansary '92, P'28
Alex Baldwin, P'18
Matt Holleran '85
Beverly Hudnut, P'11
Brooke Seawell '65
Michael Voris '95
Chris Harper, CFO/COO
Robert McQuitty, Controller
Jim Neill, P'24, Head of School